Tuesday, 12 January 2016

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Saturday, 9 January 2016

KMCH is the most trusted multispecialty hospital in the southern city of Coimbatore.The relentless service of KMCH in the past 25 years taken health care to the most modern levels in the region catering to urban and rural population.

 Consistent success for an organization can only be possible with dynamic leadership at the helm. For the KMCH Trust, the Chairman Dr.Nalla G. Palaniswami and the Managing Trustee Dr.Thavamani D.Palaniswami continue to be the guiding lights to this day.

Dr.Nalla G. Palaniswami, a specialist in Endocrinology and Dr.Thavamani D.Palaniswami, a Pediatrician and Adolescent Care specialist, bring with them extensive experience in Medicine & Education. Over 20 years of being associated with some of the most advanced Medical Centers & Hospitals across the US was instrumental in inspiring them to initiate the KMCH Trust. With their constant guidance and inspiring ideals, the Trust has grown by leaps & bounds, and promises to do the same in the years to come…


KMCH will be a health care leader in India by providing excellent quality medical care and services to patients in a family focused environment.


KMCH will improve the health and well being of the community by providing world class patient care, education and training.

Quality Policy

KMCH Is Re-Accredited with NABH


  • Heart Institute - 
- Bypass operation, heart transplant, valve repair, further more we have…
- The region’s only heart rhythm specialist (Electro physiologist).
- The region’s only established Pediatric Cardiologist.

  • Transplant Center - Heart, Liver, Kidney and Bone Marrow.
  • Cancer Center - Medical Oncology, Surgical Oncology, Radiation Oncology, Nuclear Medicine & PET.
  • Interventional Radiology - A pioneer in the field of IR advocating methods of expertise to institution across the Globe.
  • OBG - High risk pregnancies and Fertility Center
  • Peadiatrics - 25 years of unblemishing track record in treating neonates and infants.
  • Critical Care & Trauma - In emergencies we handle life threatening situations through world class trained professionals.
  • Orthopedics - Hip and Knee Replacement and complex deformity correction.Others as well,… Endocrinology, Diabetes management, Rheumatology, GI, Pulmonology, Interventional Pulmonology with EBUS, Psychiatry, Cosmetic surgery, ENT, Dermatology, Hematology, Urology, Nephrology and Pediatric Surgery.